Thursday, August 27, 2020
Business Ethics When the Work
Work-life balance is an adaptable working project that has gotten basic in a few associations in the US. A few firms have presented adaptable working hours for their representatives, who need to adjust among family and work duties. Work-life balance is a pattern that has gotten in different work environments in the US. This work-life balance affects connections that representatives have with one another. Laborers who have youngsters have discovered adaptable working hours all the more remunerating for their professions and family lives.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Business Ethics: When the Work-Life Scales Are Unequal. explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The work environment condition is encountering a ton of changes. Businesses have understood the significance of offering their representatives adaptable work routines, which assist them with adjusting among work and family life. Be that as it may, the work-life balance approach isn't getting s upport from all laborers true to form. Laborers without any kids and families to think about, feel that their partners who have families utilize this as a guise to abstain from playing out their obligations. They feel that they shoulder the weight of their non-attendant partners since they need to perform additional obligations. It is hard for regular workers guardians, particularly moms, to adjust their duty to work and family viably. In any case, a few specialists are strong of their associates who are constrained by family conditions to adhere to adaptable working hours. These laborers comprehend the significance of their partners being engaged with the lives of their kids. An adaptable work routine makes such specialists increasingly successful. This is a result of the fulfillment they get from playing out their work obligations and investing energy with their youngsters. Representatives who are away from their work stations can be called or messaged if a pressing issue that nee ds their info comes up busy working. This has made a ton of amicability between laborers, in firms which have work-life balance plans. Numerous organizations are thinking that its hard to actualize adaptable work frameworks. A few workers don't have youngsters yet at the same time need time to take care of their relatives, who need their consideration. Representatives who care for their older guardians or grandparents feel that their partners who have youngsters are supported more by the work-life balance plans than them. They guarantee that they likewise have the right to be given adaptable work routines, which permit them to think about their old family members more. Human asset authorities contend that, for an adaptable work program to succeed, all representatives with elective interests from work should be considered.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Employ ees in firms who offer adaptable work routines should concentrate on how their obligations will be finished during the period they are away. This will decrease the weight that is carried by their partners when they are away from work. Firms need to screen the time every specialist spends at the working environment, to decide each individual’s efficiency level. A work-life balance program must be successful if all representatives speak with one another effectively, paying little mind to their areas. Laborers likewise need to inform their associates on the off chance that they are intending to leave their workstations early. Adaptable working projects should be reasonable for all specialists to decrease disdain between them. Associations need to fulfill essential time constraints and execution targets. Execution of a work-life balance program ought to guarantee that efficiency levels in the association stay steady. This case affirms that numerous organizations face challenges w hile executing adaptable work programs for their representatives. All representatives should be given equivalent thought when an adaptable work program is being executed. This exposition on Business Ethics: When the Work-Life Scales Are Unequal. was composed and presented by client Nayeli C. to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for examination and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Planning for Demolition of Building
Anticipating Demolition of Building Recognize a neglected structure and considering components, for example, its past use, condition, auxiliary highlights and area, set up an arrangement for the sheltered destruction of the structure that distinguishes the favored technique for destruction and diagrams reasonable specialized and procedural control measures. The targets of this report are to distinguish a forsaken building and plan its destruction. The arranging needs to assess the specificities of the structures structure, its past use, the site, the neighboring properties and different parameters. Control measures from a wellbeing and security perspective must be incorporated. The structure distinguished is an extremely old Victorian three-story assembling that has not been utilized for a long time. The system comprises of breaking down the current structure and bordering properties. A nitty gritty depiction of the structure has been given and the destruction grouping has been picked as per the structure and in a manner to make insignificant disturbance different properties and the overall population. The genuine destruction plan is given as a rundown of errands and a concise clarification for each assignment. The destruction procedure has been isolated into basic stages. The control measures have been consolidated in the arrangement of the destruction however a wellbeing and danger evaluation has been done that rundowns the potential perils from such a work. 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Derelict Building 1.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Structures to be Demolished This three story Victorian structure is one of three structures in a similar exacerbate that used to house an old medical clinic on the site.The other two are additionally not being used and there are plans to wreck them too yet sometime in the future. The Victorian structure is a confined three story building situated halfway on the site with a shed utilized as evaporator house on one side.Access is from the south side where the structure is around 10 m from the street. The Boiler House is set toward the north of the structure yet is isolates from the primary structure. It comprises of one tall stone structure with connected oil and water tanks. There is a system of underground funnels between the heater house and the Victorian structures for the gracefully of high temp water for residential and warming purposes. As most Victorian structures of that size, these structures have certain qualities that recognize them from different structures. The structure development is of stone work. The heap bearing dividers are made of two lines of block with no hole in the middle. These outer dividers rise undisrupted to the rooftop. The rooftop comprises of square timber rafters sitting on a timber ring pillar on the dividers. The rafters bolster an arrangement if rectangular timber purlins that thusly bolster the record tiles that structure the rooftop. The edges are fixed by pounded lead foils. The inward floors are comprised of timber joists bolstered by stone sections off the block dividers. A network of timber bars are upheld off the joists and wooden boards are nailed to the highest point of the timber pillars. The parcel dividers comprise of put timber outlines. The structures likewise comprise of storm cellar that have been fixed quite a long while back yet has not been filled. There is no protection on the dividers and rooftop and there is no cooling introduced in the structure. The main administrations are the hot and cold water pipes, seepage funnels and electric wiring. The water pipes date from the first development and are of lead. The sterile seepage pipes additionally date from unique and comprise of 5 cast iron funnels and fittings fixed with bitumen. The electric wiring has been introduced a lot later and has been fixed to the timber joists by methods for nailed cuts. The evaporator house is a stone structure with ridged iron sheet rooftop. It contains a coal-terminated kettle that is out of activity. The evaporator is associated with the Victorian structures through underground channels to flexibly high temp water. The Boiler House additionally contains countless funnel work and fittings just as a coal pit. 1.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Adjacent Land Use The site is arranged between two primary streets on the South andEast sides and two B-class streets on the North and West sides. The site imparts a limit to a much more up to date development utilized as NHS center which will stay being used during the destruction. The site is encircled totally with 2.5 m tall stone work dividers aside from on the south side. The south side is cordoned by fashioned iron fencing. There is no divider between the parking garage of the center and the compound. 1.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Ground Conditions Ground examinations were done on tests of the south of the site during the development of a portion of the more up to date structures. The examination results are accessible from the chamber. Since no new development is being attempted in this venture, ground data is regarded to be pointless. 2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Description of Works 2.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Methodology 2.1.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Survey Since the structure has not been being used for a huge timeframe, its accurate state isn't known even to the customer. So the primary thing to be done is a full basic study of the structure to survey the threat from risky material and to choose the best strategy for completing the work. This should be done as ahead of schedule as the delicate stage as the data from this overview will be basic for the remainder of the work. Prior to the beginning of the destruction, a full scale destruction study should be finished. This should assess the following(Holroyd, 1999): Bordering properties The sort of structure and the key components in it. The state of the components. Any prerequisite for impermanent works or arranging during destruction. Are there any limited spaces. Are there dangers from asbestos, lead, sullied land, and so on? Is access and departure sufficient? 2.1.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Preferred Method The destruction can be conveyed in various manners however given the nearness of different properties, for example, the NHS square and fundamental streets, the destruction ought to be completed in a manner as to limit interruption to the area and furthermore to cause least commotion level. The destruction ought to be wanted to be done in a controlled way start to finish, de-developing the segments in the opposite request of unique development. Destruction balls will be utilized distinctly if all else fails and no dangerous will be utilized. 2.1.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Method Statement A technique proclamation should be set up before the activity begins and should cover (Holroyd, 1999): The arrangement and technique for destruction taking note of access/departure subtleties. Pre-debilitating subtleties of the structure Work force security, including the overall population Administration evacuation/make safe Administrations to be given Combustible issues Risky substances The utilization of transport and waste evacuation Character of individuals with control duties. 3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Particulars of Work 3.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 1: Planning Before the destruction begins, cautious arranging is required to guarantee smooth tasks. It likewise permits issues to be distinguished at a beginning time. The expense of medicinal activity at the arranging stage is essentially not as much as that at the destruction stage. In this way, distribution of time and exertion to cautious and careful arranging is significant. 3.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 2: Site Preparation Once on location, the destruction can't begin right away. There is a great deal of work that should be done to make the destruction work possible.Several preventive measures and control measures must be built up directly toward the beginning. It is less expensive and better than to apply healing activity when things turn out badly. The arranging stage more likely than not distinguished the zones that need consideration and the control gauges that are required. The procedures engaged with the real destruction are site explicit and site arrangements must be done as needs be. Great site readiness likewise permits negligible disturbance to the area. 3.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 3: Demolition of Boiler House From the hazard evaluation, unmistakably the evaporator house, albeit a lot littler in size that the primary structure, speaks to a more noteworthy wellbeing risk to the site laborers as it contains asbestos, oil tanks, water tanks and a great deal of channel work. To lessen the presentation of the staff to such dangers, it has been chosen to annihilate and make safe the evaporator house first before beginning with the primary structure. 3.4Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 4: Demolition of Main Building The principle building will be annihilated physically beyond what many would consider possible. So as to contain the commotion and air contamination however much as could reasonably be expected, the outer dividers and rooftop will be kept up until the whole inside has been destroyed. The inner parcels don't add to the basic quality and strength of the structure and it is in this manner safe to wreck them. The floors do give some sidelong security to the dividers and won't be expelled until an elective brief help isn't given to the dividers. 3.5Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 5: Site Reinstatement After the destruction is finished, the site must be freed from outstanding garbage and decommissioning of site workplaces and different offices introduced with the end goal of the site. The site workplaces and government assistance offices will be evacuated. The condition of leftover sullying must be surveyed and if any therapeutic move should be made, it ought to be finished. The arranging ought to be restored. At long last, the fencing and screens will be evacuated and the site gave over. 3.6Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Other Elements The Principal Contractor ought to likewise know about the accompanying: Traffic Management, an expanded mindfulness is required for traffic control to and from the site from the South and East sides. The South side promotion
Friday, August 21, 2020
a winter wonderland COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
a winter wonderland COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog A snowstorm in New York City can be enchanting, especially when viewed from indoors! However, it is not in our nature to stay put for long and the show must go on! So, we New Yorkers bundle up and do our best to traverse the snow banks that have replaced the street curbs and sidewalks, keep upright on the ice (lifehacker tip: walk like a penguin!) and keep fingers/toes from freezing. Temperatures today hover in the teens (12 degrees right now) and the wind that whips across Morningside Park, between the streets and avenues all over the area can take your breath away, literally! While these pictures were taken personally, the Gothamist’s piece “enchanting new photos prove polar vortex snowstorm was totally worth it†features some great ones. Be sure to watch this gorgeous black and white video of the snowstorm in Morningside Heights too!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Online Postgraduate Business Administration Degrees 2019
Distance learning has come of age and with it the opportunity to extend your business administration education. There are online business administration programs for PhD studies as well as online MBA programs. Online business administration doctoral programs actually extend into two areas: the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) which focuses on the application of theory, as well as the traditional academically-oriented PhD in Business Administration. Both University of Phoenix Online and Warren National University offer a DBA degree. Warren National University has an online doctorate course for business administration that includes concentrated focus in the following areas: Finance Information Systems Project and Systems Management Capella University has an online business PhD program with specializations in General Business and Human Resource Management. While not every online business administration school has a doctoral program, the ones that do seem to have been thorough in their design and development. Online doctoral business administration programs provide the same faculty guidance and dissertation review that is found on a traditional campus. The opportunities to focus on global business issues and the quantum shift in economic power on this planet are every bit as topical in the online business administration PhD programs as they are on campus. .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1:active, .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uaa9acf1ac52daccabeb0f1087115eef1:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Human Resources and Skills Development CanadaOnline MBA programs offer a wealth of specialization areas that present a premier opportunity for career advancement. If you are seeking leverage to break into the business world, an online masters program in business administration can certainly be a valuable tool. But if you are already employed in a corporate environment and have hit the ceiling far too soon, there is an online MBA program to fits your needs. Kaplan University provides online MBA programs that specialize in any of the following: Entrepreneurship Finance Human Resources Management Information Technology Management Communication and Quality Marketing Capella University has online MBA degrees with the following specialties: General Business Accounting Finance Marketing An online graduate degree in business administration might be the ticket out of the middle of your corporate department into the directors office. Jones International University has an online MBA degree available and also a Master of Arts in Business Communication. This degree focuses on such areas as team-building skills; leadership and communication skills; management strategy and technique; and research and reporting techniques. Here is an online variation of the MBA that might fit many a frustrated, midl-evel professional like a glove. .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98:active, .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u817d5bd1d6addce4efbb9eefae253b98:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Teachers at the University LevelThe online MBA opportunities are there for people with interest in international business and the public sector. University of Phoenix Online has MBA degrees that include the following specialties: Global Management Public Administration Marketing Accounting Human Resources Management University of Phoenix Online also offers a masters degree in management. Related ArticlesDoctorate in Business Administration and the Theory of BusinessHealth Care Administration CareersBusiness Practices and TheoryAttaining a Health Care Management Masters DegreeYour Home Business and AccountingStudying Computer Science Through Distance Learning
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Cardon Carpet Mills - 1345 Words
Marketing Cluster May 9, 2012 Cardon Carpet Mills, Inc. Case Study The Cardon Carpet Mills Company is a carpet company that distributes its line through seven different floorcovering wholesalers around the United States. This company focuses on manufacturing a full line of medium to high priced carpet primarily used residentially. The senior executives, looking to integrate direct distribution and bypassing wholesalers, are seeking the best outlet for increasing profit. With increased pressure from retailers to shave their profit margins to accommodate pricing demands the wholesalers wanted Cardon Carpet Mills to consider a reduction in its prices. This will play a large part in how the company will decide if direct distribution is a†¦show more content†¦So far, the company has stayed afloat with the 4,000 retail accounts and advertising strategies. However, if Cardon Carpet Mills decides to establish distribution centers, they have opportunities in other markets such as Dallas and Atlanta. This alternat ive will add to their expenses as well as cause a rift in their long-term relationship with the seven wholesalers, so it is important to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages to continuing with current wholesalers or opening more warehouses. Porter’s five forces can be used by senior management to assist in the decision-making process on whether or not to venture into direct distribution. The first force to be evaluated is the threat of new entrants into the floorcovering market. Cardon Carpet Mills must be aware of the likelihood that new competition may enter the market and target their customer. In the floorcovering market, however, Cardon Carpet Mills does not need to put much energy into preparing for new entrants. The number of competitors began to shrink in the 1980s due to mergers and acquisitions. The number of floorcovering manufacturers decreased from over 300 in the 1980s to near 100 by 2000 (Kerin and Peterson). The demand for floorcoverings has decreased enough for Cardon Carpet Mills to observe that the attraction to the industry is minimal for new entrants as well as existing companies. The second force for management to consider is the existingShow MoreRelatedCardon Carpet Case Analysis2378 Words  | 10 Pagescompany Cardon Carpet Mills, Inc. is a privately held manufacturer of a full line of medium-to high-priced carpet primarily for the residential segment. Given recent developments within the floor covering industry Robert Meadows, the president of Cardon Carpet Mills, Inc is considering the possibility of establishing distribution centers or wholesale operations for the company. II. Situation Analysis Industry Background Wholesale and retail distribution in the U.S. carpet and rug industry
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
OXFORD BOOK OF ENGLISH SHORT STORIES MARY MANN, LITTLE BROTHER The story portrays rural life in a little Norfolk village, in the 1890s. It describes the visit of a character (maybe spinster) to a woman who has just given birth to a stillborn baby. At first she visits the husband, Mr.Hodd, and she enters his world made up just of poverty: with his eldest boy he’s cutting turnips. The family already has twelve children, and they’re very poor. When the narrator visits Mrs.Hodd’s house, she finds out that the dead baby is not in his little bed, and his little brothers are playing with his corpse, like a doll. very attentive description, full of details (turnip-house), not useful for the story, they just portray the real aspect of†¦show more content†¦The short story IN another short story, like One Thousand and One Nights Magic atmosphere ALAN SILLITOE, ENOCH’S TWO LETTERS This short story narrates the unlucky adventure of an eight year-old boy. His parents decide to leave the house on the same day, without telling the other that they’re going away forever and thinking that the other will take care of the child. They don’t have anything in common anymore, so his father goes to live with his lover, and his mother moves to her sister’s house. After Enoch’s gone to school, they both leave a letter for the other on the mat. When he comes home from school, he thinks that his parents just went for a night out, he eats something and then sleeps on the floor, because he’s too scared to sleep in his room all alone. In the morning he decides to go to his grandmother and ask for help and advice. She accompanies him back home, they search the house and in the end they find the two letters. The most interesting part is the night that Enoch spends alone. All typical fears of childhood come to him; he’s afraid of the dark (he doesn’t want to go upstairs and sleep there), he starts to think that his parents are dead, he uses the mirror to distort his own face, to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Promotional Strategies of Big Bazaar Palakkad free essay sample
Indian retail sector is witnessing one of the most hectic Marketing activities of all times. The companies are fighting to win the hearts of customer. There is always a ‘first mover advantage’ in an upcoming sector. This advantage goes to â€Å"BIG BAZAAR†in India. It has brought about many changes in the buying behavior of people as Big Bazaar provides all items in one roof at low rates. The consumer’s preferences are changing amp; they are moving from shops stores to Modern Retail outlet. It’s the main challenge to the Modern retail outlets to attract the customers towards them from that of competitors. To attract more customers companies have to carry out the promotional activities in unique way. BIG BAZAAR has maintained that uniqueness amp; has succeeded in attracting customers. The promotional activity of the company, which famous as Less Price than others as it says ‘Nobody Sells Cheaper and Better! ’ is made its place in minds of customer. As the competition is becoming stiff in the market the activities conducted by the company are unique, that have brought fruitful result to the company. Among them sales Promotions is one of the leading activity or unique among all other activities amp; has high influence on the customer who walks-in. In this assignment, I have described its marketing strategies and promotional activities. The assignment is based on ‘the effective marketing strategy which influences customer to purchase a product of Big Bazaar’ helps to understand the effect of marketing strategy which is responsible for attracting customer towards big bazaar. The research was carried out as per the steps of Marketing Research. The well supportive objectives were set for the study. To meet the objectives primary research was undertaken. The data collection approach adopted was experimental research. 1. 2 ORGANISATION PROFILE 1. 2. 1 FUTURE GROUP Future Group is one of the country‘s leading business groups present in retail, asset management, consumer finance, insurance, retail media, retail spaces and logistics. The group‘s flagship company, Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited operates over 7 million square feet of retail space, has over 1000 stores across 53 cities in India and employs over 25,000 people. Some of its leading retail formats include, Pantaloons, Big Bazaar, Central, Food Bazaar, Home Town, eZone, Depot, Future Money and online retail format, futurebazaar. com. Future Group companies includes, Future Capital Holdings, Future General India Indus League Clothing and Galaxy Entertainment that manages Sports Bar, Brew Bar and Bowling Co. Future Capital Holdings, the group‘s financial arm, focuses on asset management and consumer credit. It manages assets worth over $1 billion that are being invested in developing retail real estate and consumer-related brands and hotels. BIGBAZAAR (Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi! ) Big Bazaar caters to every need of the customer and his/her family. Where Big Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian customers. Big Bazaar promises the best products at the best prices. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors into the world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you. And this is just the beginning. Big Bazaar always plans and tries to add much more to complete the shopping experience. 1. 2. 2 Company Statements: Future Group Manifesto â€Å"Future†– the word which signifies optimism, growth, achievement, strength, beauty, rewards and perfection. Future encourages us to explore areas yet unexplored, write rules yet unwritten; create new opportunities and new successes. To strive for a glorious future brings to us our strength, our ability to learn, unlearn and re-learn our ability to evolve. Rewrite rules, Retain values†Group Vision â€Å"Future Group shall deliver Every Thing, Every Where, Every Time For Every Indian Consumer in the most profitable manner†. We share the vision and belief that our customers and stakeholders shall be served only by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading to economic development. ii. We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making consumption affordable for all customer segments – for classes and for masses. ii. We shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition. iv. We shall be efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whatever we do. v. We shall ensure that our positive attitude, sincerity, humility and united determination shall be the driving force to make us successful. Retailing consider as sunrise industry today after InfoTech, is the most happening industry with almost all the big players vying for a share of the coveted pie. Buoyed by a strong increase in private consumption retailing is one industry that is waiting to explode. The Indian Retail sector has caught the world‘s imagination in the last few years. Topping the list of most attractive retail destination list for three years in a row, it had retail giants like Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Tesco sizing up potential partners and waiting to enter the fray. India‘s retail growth was largely driven by increasing disposable incomes, favorable demographics, changing lifestyles, growth of the middle class segment and a high potential for penetration into urban and rural markets. However, with the onset of the global financial crisis, Indian retailers have been suffering from the effects of rapid credit squeeze, high operating costs and low customer confidence. Organized retail structure Organized retailing is bound to grow tremendously provided the rights are adopted. Retail businesses have broken rank and seem poised to surge head with renewed vigor, optimism, confidence and capability. There is an incredible amount of activity in terms of creation of retail oriented space across India. As per some estimates, there are over 200 retail mall projects under construction or under active planning stage spanning over 25 cities. This may translate into over 25 million sq. ft. of new retail space in the market within this year end. Huge retail formats, with high quality ambience and very courteous and ambivalent sales staff, are regular features of retail formats in most Asian countries. However in India expect for a few big towns where modern retailing formats abound, these features are grossly missing . ETIG expects organized retailing to slowly penetrate the second rung and smaller town which will catapult the growth rate for the sector. Even though the big retail chains are concentrating on the upper segment and selling products at higher prices like crossroads, akbarallys and shoppers stop, retail stores are sprouting that cater to the needs of middle class. With a huge middle class Population the retailers like RPG, Food World are tapping this market. The market is flooded with products branded and unbranded. The customers are in a dilemma as to pick which one. Simon bell of AT Kearney says ? there is a close relation between the growth of branded and the growth of the organized retail. Companies selling branded products prefer to have big and organized retail put lets such as Hypermarkets where they can be differentiated from unbranded products. Though doubts have been cast on the future of Indian retailing it is our belief that the retail boom is yet to happen. While the industry is in the introduction stage in most geography, it has just entered the growth region in the metro cities. Today the right product mix, right sourcing strategy and the right communication are the mantras for success. Each of the retail stars has identified and settled into a feasible and sustainable model of its own†¦ * Shopper Stop: Department store format * Westside: Emulated the marks amp; Spencer‘s model of 100% private label, very good value for money merchandise for the entire family * Giant And Big Bazaar- Hypermarket/cash amp;carry stores Food World And Nilgiris Supermarket format. * Pantaloons and the Home Store- Specialty retailing. * Tanishq- Has very successfully pioneered a very quality organized retail business in fine jewelers. Future Perspective We should see fundamental shifts in the way Indians shop in the very near future. The year 2003 could well be a landmark year for organized Indians retailing. According to recent study done by ET IG the organized retail industry is expected to grow by 30 % in the next five years and is expected to touch Rs 45000cr. Thus, the growth potential for the organized retailer is enormous. Metro from Germany is a very successful and resourceful retailer and their cash amp; carry format should offer a good run for money to others. Some others will also find perfectly legitimate ways to operates in India, for example, Marks amp; Spencer‘s, Mango and ShopRite. But due to the economic downturn, the organized retail penetration, which was expected to touch 16 percent by 2012 from the current 5 percent, is likely to trace 10. 4 percent only. Changing and influencing factors Consumer Factors * Income Level * Change In Lifestyle * Demand For Global Trend * Supply Side Factor * Growing Importance Of Retailing Factor * Political And Economic Factor * Supply Constraints * Reduction In Import Duties-Offer Present Indian scenario India is the country having the most unorganized retail market. Traditionally it is a family‘s livelihood, with their shop in the front and house at the back, while they run the retail business. More than 99% retailers function in less than 500 square feet of shopping space. The Indian retail sector is estimated at around Rs 900,000crores, of which the organized sector accounts for a mere 2 per cent indicating a huge potential market opportunity that is lying in the waiting for the consumer savvy organized retailer. Purchasing power of Indian urban consumer is growing and branded merchandise in categories like Apparels, Cosmetics, Shoes, Watches, Beverages, Food and even Jewellery, are slowly becoming lifestyle products that are widely accepted by the urban Indian consumer. Indian retailers need to advantage of this growth and aiming to grow, diversify and introduce new formats have to pay more attention to the brand building process. The emphasis here is on retail as a brand rather than retailers selling brands. The focus should be on branding the retail business itself. In their preparation to face fierce competitive pressure, Indian retailers must come to recognize the value of building their own stores as brands to reinforce their marketing positioning, to communicate quality as well as value for money. Sustainable competitive advantage will be dependent on translating core values combining products, image and reputation into a coherent retail brand strategy. There is no doubt that the Indian retail scene is booming. A number of large corporate houses  Tata‘s, Raheja‘s, Piramals‘s, Goenka‘s  have already made their foray into this arena, with beauty and health stores, supermarkets, self-service music stores, NewAge book stores, every-day-low-price stores, computers and peripherals stores, office equipment stores and home/building construction stores. Today the organized players have attacked every retail category. The Indian retail scene has witnessed too many players in too short a time, crowding several categories without looking at their core competencies, or having a well thought out branding strategy. Growth of Retail Sector: Retail is one of the booming sectors of India in the present times. Retail, one of India‘s largest industries, has presently emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries of our times with several players entering the market. Accounting for over 10 per cent of the country‘s GDP and around eight per cent of the employment retailing in India is gradually inching its way toward becoming the next boom industry. Another credible factor in the prospects of the retail sector in India is the increase in the young working population. In India, hefty pay packets, nuclear families in urban areas, along with increasing working-women population and emerging opportunities in the services sector. These key factors have been the growth drivers of the organized retail sector in India which now boast of retailing almost all the preferences of life Apparel amp; Accessories, Appliances, Electronics, Cosmetics and Toiletries, Home amp; Office Products, Travel and Leisure and many more. With this the retail sector in India is witnessing rejuvenation as traditional markets make way for new formats such as departmental stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores. The retailing configuration in India is fast developing as shopping malls are increasingly becoming familiar in large cities. When it comes to development of retail space specially the malls, the Tier II cities are no longer behind in the race. If development plans till 2007 is studied it shows the projection of 220 shopping malls, with 139 malls in metros and the remaining 81 in the Tier II cities. The government of states like Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) are very upbeat about permitting the use of land for commercial development thus increasing the availability of land for retail space; thus making NCR render to 50% of the malls in India. India is being seen as a potential goldmine for retail investors from over the world and latest research has rated India as the top destination for retailers for an attractive emerging retail market. India‘s vast middle class and its almost untapped retail industry are key attractions for global retail giants wanting to enter newer markets. Even though India has well over 5 million retail outlets, the country sorely lacks anything that can resemble a retailing industry in the modern sense of the term. This presents international retailing specialists with a great opportunity. The organized retail sector is expected to grow stronger than GDP growth in the next five years driven by changing lifestyles, burgeoning income and favorable demographic outline. Major players Foodamp;Grocery| Fashion| Others| Food World| Shoppers Stop| Vivek’s| Subhiksha| Westside| Planet| Nilgris| Lifestyle| Music World| Adani-Rjivs| Pyramids| Crossword| Nirma-Radhey| Pantaloons| Life spring| Each of these retail stars has identified and settled into a feasible and sustainable business model of its own. Rather surprisingly, each has developed a unique model. Westside has very successfully emulated a Marks amp; Spencer model (of 100 per cent private label, very good value for money merchandise for the entire family). Spencers Daily and Nilgris have successfully shown the viability of the `supermarket format in India and its ability to co-exist with the ubiquitous Kirana store. In addition to balancing per unit income reduction against increased volume, sales promotions other than storewide markdowns balance the value of promotional offers against expected redemption rates. Loyalty programs can be a cost-effective sales promotion tool. Store membership loyalty programs can work much the same way as storewide markdowns, with the exception being that not every customer receives a discount. Members bring in lower per unit revenue while increasing sales volume. Nonmembers balance out the equation by paying full retail price and not necessarily boosting sales volume. Coupons Coupons can be even more cost efficient than loyalty programs, but coupons can have less effect on sales volume. With coupon programs, a majority of customers will pay full price for products, while only a select few who clip coupons will receive price discounts. Coupons can be effective as a supplement to other promotional strategies, allowing retailers to gain business from a select group of value-conscious consumers. The problem with coupon-clippers, however, is that retailers can find it challenging to build oyalty in this group, who are likely to defect as soon as the coupon promotion ends. Mail-In Rebates Mail-in rebates provide unique financial advantages to retailers. With a mail-in rebate, retailers collect full retail price for products sold, then reimburse customers at a later date. This can keep revenue figures up, while eating into profitability due to rebate redemption expenses. The more valuable a mail-in rebate is, the more likely consumers are to redeem it. The opposite holds true as well, creating distinct opportunities for retailers. Retailers who offer small rebates can take advantage of increased demand on the spot, while minimizing the price they have to pay for the additional sales volume. A $10 rebate on a lawn chair, for example, may be enough to convince a shopper to buy a chair but not enough to motivate the customer to go through the redemption process. Contests Contests can stir up excitement about your brands, creating memorable experiences in customers minds that they will associate with your company. Contests can take a variety of forms, but the best accrue some sort of extra benefit to the company along the way. Consider creating a cash giveaway for a randomly selected customer-service survey participant, for example, encouraging people to try your products while gathering valuable marketing research at the same time. Freebies Giving something away for free can be a powerful way to grab peoples attention and break down any resistance to change. For consumers, free samples in retail stores or free services offered via coupon can allow them to try something new without the risk of wasting money on a disappointing product. Buy-one-get-one programs can create a value proposition that causes shoppers to temporarily choose one brand over another. Freebies work in the business world, as well. Food product manufacturers, for example, can provide free samples to retail purchasing managers to give them confidence that the products will sell. Discounts Offering price discounts is at the heart of most sales promotion programs. Storewide sales mark down prices on a wide range of goods, enticing customers to visit a store and search for deals. Coupons can attract a highly value-conscious market segment that can often be persuaded to buy in bulk for the right price. Mail-in rebates help keep revenue numbers high, since customers originally pay full price for goods on promotion. In addition to this, not every customer who buys a product specifically because of a rebate will actually redeem the rebate, maximizing the value of the promotion to the company. B2B Terms of Sale Small businesses can include promotional incentives in the terms of sale for their business customers. Businesses can offer volume discounts to encourage distributors to stock up on particular products, for example. Businesses can also offer price discounts for paying off business-to-business credit accounts early. B2B Allowances Small businesses may have to use sales promotions to convince business buyers to give their products and services a try. In the retail world, it is common for companies to actually pay retailers what is called a slotting allowance to purchase and stock their products at first, reducing the risk to the buyer. Small businesses can also offer an advertising allowance, essentially a cooperative advertising agreement fully financed by the seller, to sweeten the deal for business buyers. 2. 1. 2 OBJECTIVES OF SALES PROMOTION Keep Existing Customers A sales promotion can be geared toward keeping existing customers, especially if a new competitor is opening nearby. For example, a barbershop owner can mail coupons to all of his existing customers to take attention away from a competitors grand opening event. A dry cleaner could implement a referral program where he gives existing customers a discount when they refer new customers to make a purchase, which can help build customer loyalty. Inventory Clearance A special promotion can help you clear inventory to make room for seasonal or new merchandise. If you own a clothing boutique, for example, you may need to advertise a reduced price on winter clothing to make room for spring and summer fashions. The owner of a gift shop can conduct a clearance sale on Halloween merchandise to make room for Christmas products. Reaching New Market A promotion can be a way to reach a new segment of the market. For example, if you operate a health club and youve developed a fitness plan geared toward senior citizens, you can use a mailing list with addresses of those who are age 65 and older. You can then mail a coupon or special offer to this market segment. New Product Launch A sales promotion can help you introduce a new product to the marketplace. For example, if you operate a bakery and youre unveiling a new line of pastries, you can generate a promotion to get people to come to your bakery and try them. Your promotion can offer a discounted price or the addition of a free item, such as a cup of coffee. Increased Brand Awareness A sales promotion can help increase awareness of your brand, which can ultimately lead to additional sales. For example, by sponsoring a charity, event such as a chicken barbecue or raffle, you can make people in the community aware of your company in a positive way, which can lead to them patronizing your business. . 2 MARKETING MIX OF BIG BAZAAR Product: Big Bazaar offers the maximum variety for every category of product. The product is the same in every store in the city but the brand options are more in Big Bazaar and the quantity for each product is not limited to large packs only. The commodities sold by the retail chain includes its â€Å"own products†which get a ready distribution network. The own products of Big Bazaar include My World fashion magazine which is not available anywhere else. So costs are very low for such products. Big Bazaar offers a wide range of products which range from apparels, food, farm products, furniture, child care, toys, etc of various brands like Levis, Allen Solly, Pepsi, Coca- Cola, HUL, ITC, Pamp;G, LG, Samsung, Nokia, HP etc. Big Bazaar also promotes a number of in house brands like: * DJ amp; C * Tasty Treat * Clean Mate * Sensei * Care Mate * Koryo and 44 other brands. Pricing: Price is the critical point in a competitive industry. Big Bazaar works on a low cost model. It considers its discounted price as its USP. There is an average discount of 6-8% on all items in respect to their MRP. Prices of products are low because it is able to secure stock directly from the manufacturer. There are huge synergies in terms of bulk purchasing, transportation and central warehousing. These all factors are very helpful for the retailers to keep low prices. The pricing objective at Big Bazaar is to get â€Å"Maximum Market Share†. Pricing at Big Bazaar is based on the following techniques: * Value Pricing (EDLP – Every Day Low pricing): Big Bazaar promises consumers the lowest available price without coupon clipping, waiting for discount promotions, or comparison shopping. Promotional Pricing: Big Bazaar offers financing at low interest rate. The concept of psychological discounting (Rs. 99, Rs. 49, etc. ) is also used to attract customers. Big Bazaar also caters on Special Event Pricing (Close to Diwali, Gudi Padva, and Durga Pooja). * Differentiated Pricing: Differentiated pricing i. e. difference in rate based on peak and non-peak hours or days of shopping is also a pricing technique used in Indian retail, which is aggressively used by Big Bazaar. e. g. Wednesday Bazaar Bundling: It refers to selling combo-packs and offering discount to customers. The combo-packs add value to customer and lead to increased sales. Big Bazaar lays a lot of importance on bundling. e. g. 3 Good Day family packs at Rs 60(Price of 1 pack = Rs 22) 5kg oil + 5kg rice + 5kg sugar for Rs 599 Place: Place means the location of the business. Big Bazaar has always worked on cheap locations. It targets semi-urban population with its placement. Its strategy is to find a low-cost location and it never goes for hot spots in the city. It relied on promotional activities to make up for unattractive locations. Another strategy used by Big Bazaar to overcome location disadvantage is use of internet. It has launched a merchandise retailing website www. futurebazaar. com which targets high-end customers ready to use credit cards. The promotion of this website is done through advertisement on Google. The website is put as sponsored link. The Big Bazaar stores are operational across three formats  hypermarkets spread over 40,000-45,000 sq ft, the Express format over 15,000-20,000 sq ft and the Super Centers set up over 1 lakh sq ft. Currently Big Bazaar operates in over 34 cities and towns across India with 116 stores. Apart from the Metros these stores are also doing well in the tier II cities. These stores are normally located in high traffic areas. Big Bazaar aims at starting stores in developing areas to take an early advantage before the real estate value booms. Mr. Biyani is planning to invest around Rs 350 crore over the next one year expansion of Big Bazaar. In order to gain a competitive advantage Big Bazaar has also launched a website www. futurebazaar. com, which helps customers to orders products online which will be delivered to their doorstep. This helps in saving a lot of time of its customers. Promotion: Big Bazaar has huge promotion budgets. The biggest idea behind all advertisements is to make people do bulk shopping. There are 2 types of promotional strategies of big bazaar. One is the advertisement which promotes the brand and creates awareness towards people. It is not targeted at promoting each store but only creates an image of Big Bazaar as low-cost shopping option. The store has advertised through TV, road shows and also started reality show-typed promotional campaign â€Å"The Big Bazaar Challenge. †Promotions like â€Å"Sabse Sasta Din†(Cheapest Day) are a very successful strategy to get good results. In these products across categories such as furniture, electronics, utensils, apparels and food products at the lowest possible prices, coupled with attractive promotional schemes. Some of the most attractive offers being a 20-litre branded microwave oven with grill for Rs 2,399, jeans and trousers for Rs 199 and HCL laptops for Rs 22,800. Buy 2 Get 1 Free types of promotions are very common. Original prices are cut down and new prices are shown, of which customer takes quick notice. There are loyalty schemes which reward regular clients. There are multiple counters where bill can be generated for purchases made. Big Bazaar also provides delivery of products over purchases of Rs. 1000. Physical Evidence: Products in Big Bazaar are properly stacked in appropriate racks. There are different departments in the store which display similar kind of products. Throughout the store there are boards/written displays put up which help in identifying the location of a product. Moreover boards are put up above the products which give information about the products, its price and offers. Big Bazaar stores are normally ‘U shaped’ and well planned amp; designed 2. 3 BIG BAZAAR’S NEW MARKETING STRATEGY Big Bazaar has launched new marketing strategy which is based on Guerrilla Marketing. Guerrilla marketing warfare strategies are a type of marketing warfare strategy designed to wear-down the enemy by a long series of minor attacks, using principles of surprise and hit-and-run tactics. Attack, retreat, hide, then do it again and again, until the competitor moves on to other markets. Guerrilla force is divided into small groups that selectively attack the target at its weak points. In the world of cut throat competition, corporate use extension of the same strategy in marketing. Corporate like Pepsi, Coke etc have been using the same for quite some time now and the latest entrant is our very own ‘Future Group’- Big Bazaar, Future Bazaar, Pantaloons, e Zone are all part of this group and they are taking on the biggies like Shoppers Stop, Lifestyle, and Tata’s Westside. In order to do the same, Future Group have come up with 3 catchy and cheeky ad campaigns which surely do catch our eyes and surely one can’t resist appreciating the same. 2. 3. 1 RETENTION STRATEGY: Big Bazaar strive to foster a feeling of well-being in their employees through care and respect, Big Bazaar have several structured processes including employee mentoring and grievance management programmers which are intended to facilitate a friendly and cohesive organization culture. Off –site activities are encouraged to improve interpersonal relationship. Big Bazaar also acknowledge the efforts exerted by their employees by organization an annual celebration called ‘Pantaloon Day’ where Big Bazaar recognize employees who have shown exceptional talent, sincerity and dedication.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Service Marketing Pre-Purchase Stage free essay sample
Introduction To market services effectively, marketing managers need to understand the consumer decision process applies to both goods and services. In this essay, firstly, I am going to analyze the pre-purchase stage of service experiences in Modern Beauty Salon which is a beauty salon that I encountered recently. Secondly, I will evaluate the different types of risk which I perceived before consumption. Thirdly, I would like to illustrate the various strategies that the company offered in order to lower my perceived risks.Finally, I will use a diagram to identify the various components of my expectation in the pre-purchase. Analysis of pre-purchase stage Need awareness â€Å"When a person or organization decides to buy or use a service, it is triggered by an underlying need or need arousal. †(Christopher, 2009) In my case, as my work is busy that make me tired, on the other hand I concern very much my appearance especially my face skin quality, I was triggered to have a need of facial treatment provided by beauty salon. We will write a custom essay sample on Service Marketing Pre-Purchase Stage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are my unconscious minds. Once a need has been recognized, customers are motivated to search for solutions. †(Christopher, 2009) When my need was recognized, I took action to resolve it. I went on the internet looking for information of different beauty salons. After that I had an evoked set in my mind. Christopher wrote that â€Å"Several alternatives may come to mind and these form the evoked set, which is the set of possible products or brands that a customer may consider in the decision process. †When I had an evoked set, the different alternatives are needed to be compared and evaluated before a final choice is made.Evaluation of Alternatives During the evaluation of alternatives, there are three parts including service attributes, perceived risks and service expectation. For service attributes, it includes search attributes, experience attributes and credence attributes. Search attributes are tangible characteristics that customers evaluate before purchase. Experience attributes are those that customers must to experience or they cannot be evaluated before purchase. Credence attributes are characteristics that customers find hard to evaluate confidently even after consumption.For beauty service, the search attributes include the location, decoration and setting of the shop that make me consider whether this shop could provide me a comfortable feeling. Then, the experience attributes is that I need to actual consume the facial treatment in order to evaluate the quality of the service. After that, I have to observe whether my skin quality is improved. It belongs to the credence attribute. Perceived risk â€Å"Since services have more experience and credence attributes, they are harder to evaluate before purchase. This uncertainty increases customers’ perceived risk. (Christopher, 2009)†In the following part, I would like to analyze different types of perceived risk during my evaluation of service. For the functional risk, I perceived whether the facial machines used are effective and good enough to provide me a satisfied treatment. For the financial risk, I perceived whether I will overpay for the facial treatment that I will actual receive. For the temporal risk, I would be worried that how long I have to wait when my face was applied toner or mask. For the physical risk, I concern whether the mask pasted on my face would cause me any sensations since my skin is easily allergic. For the psychological risk, I worried about whether the cosmetologist will ask me about my personal details as I am not a talkative person. Also, I was afraid whether my personal belongings are safe. For the social risk, since the firm I choose is not a very top salon among other companies, I wondered whether my friends or colleagues would appreciate my choice. For the sensory risk, I worried about the machine noise, pain caused by the products application, and the temperature of the air-conditioned environment. The beauty salon has some strategies in order to reduce my risk perception.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Literary Anaysis A Modest Proposal Essay Example
Literary Anaysis A Modest Proposal Essay Example Literary Anaysis A Modest Proposal Essay Literary Anaysis A Modest Proposal Essay In A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift is poking fun at over population while also offering a solution. This relates to today because although not as dramatic, we are having an over population crisis as well. To learn that times were so rough in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it is ironic to think we have learned almost nothing. The same thing is seen on the streets today, these mothers, instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants (p. 388).It is alarming that hundreds of years have gone by and there is still no solution. Swift offers after-birth abortion satirically, but of course is shot down. Abortion today is continually debated by political figures as well as the common people just as it was in Swifts time. Swift is a genius when it comes to satire and symbolism. When you read A Modest Proposal, the first few pages are so well thought out and written that the reader almost does not know Swift is not being serious about cannibalism. It is also takes a critical eye to see that he is using the wealthy English eating the poor Irish children as a symbol for England taking over Ireland in the social and economic classes. In the world today, we are still having a population crisis. For instance, many countries in Asia are overcrowded and have to limit the number of children they can have. It is sad that so many children are starving and it is almost as if humans have learned nothing. If we could learn anything from the time period Swift was in, it should have been to not bring this problem on ourselves. Children begging and starving and stealing very well could have been prevented in the eighteenth century England and Ireland and most definitely can be prevented today. That is why I chuckle when I read Swifts proposal. He really takes care of all the issues. Children no longer starve. Women can go back to work.
Friday, February 21, 2020
MARKETING RESEARCH PROJECT in HRM topic COMPANSATION AND BENEFITS COWAY COMPANY SINGAPORE - Assignment Example It is the plan that defines how, when and where from the information is to be collected and how it should be analyzed. Research design is different from the concept of Research data collection (, n.d.). Research Design mainly discusses which sources have been used in conducting the study. Various Research designs are- 1. Historical Research Design - It uses primary and secondary sources. Lots of qualitative data sources are required in this case. 2. Case and Field Research Design – It is useful when limited information is available for a study. Observation is a great tool for such studies. 3. Descriptive or Survey Research Design - It attempts to explain and describe the circumstances by applying many questionnaires and subjects to fully portray a phenomenon (, n.d.). 4. Causal Comparative Research Design - This research design attempts to investigate the cause and effect relationship where causes already exist and cannot be contro lled. 5. Experimental Research Design - This design is most suitable in controlled settings such as laboratories. Here causes can be manipulated to arrive at desired effect. For our research we have decided to employ the survey research design. It is considered that a questionnaire will be extremely useful in drawing information from a large number of people as well as from limited number of participants. Also the data obtained will be highly reliable. 3.2 The Overall Research It can be said that for the purpose of successful completion of the research based assignment, conduction of significant research is very important. The reason behind the significance can be associated with the fact that the market research provides some of the highly relevant data, which can be processed and analyzed using various tools and techniques, so that it empowers the researcher to find out the required information that is available in the form of hidden and highly complicated data (Kolb, 2008, p. 12) While discussing on the same note, it can also be brought into attention that the conduction of the market research exercise helps to bring into focus the insights, views and opinions that are provided by a wide range of sources, which essentially comprises of collaborators, customers, employees, as well as associated and related stakeholders (McDaniel and Gates, 1995, p. 5). It can be said that while proceeding with the concept of market research, a proper format is expected to be followed by the researcher. The most important part of the market research exercise is to maintain relevance with the main research question. The reason behind it is the fact that it will help in the process of framing the entire structure and nature of the market research exercise and will also increase the effectiveness of its results in a great way. 3.3 How to conduct the literature research The literature review deals with three main issues which are- 1. Study of compensation and benefits- This st udy can be best carried out with the help of sources like books, internet, business journals, newspapers and research papers. This issue will develop our understanding about the compensation framework of a company. 2. Significance of compensation and benefits in the overall performance management of a company- The researcher can learn the significance of com
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
International finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International finance - Case Study Example hy debt to equity ratio for a business should be such that the equity is high than the debt, since it is only then, that a business can demonstrate its ability to pay its debts using its own resources, without borrowing externally (Tyran, 1986:38). However, the debt to equity ratio of NDP points to the fact that the company’s financial status is not healthy, since the company had a debt to equity ratio of 100% (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:44). This means that the company’s debt is equal to the company’s owned resources and as such, should the financial crisis extend for long, the company cannot remain with any resources to continue its operations, since it would use all of its resources to pay up debts. The other pointer to the unhealthy financial status of the NDP is the high interest expense which the company is incurring. The increase in the debt levels of the company has a corresponding increase on the cost of capital, in form of the interest charges (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:44). Thus, considering that the interest expenses for NDP are consistently increasing, with the company having an interest expense of HK$102 by December 2008, but the same increasing to HK$480 in millions by march 2009 (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:43). This simply means that the company is obtaining its capital at very high costs, which are then unhealthy for the operation of the company. The other issue that indicates that the financial status f NDP is not healthy is its earnings ratio. The earnings ratio measures the rate at which the business is able to generate revenues, after it has paid costs of generating the revenues, such as interests, taxes and depreciation of the assets applied towards generating the revenues (McClure, 2011:n.p). For example the earnings of the NDP by September 2008, was HK$ 3,988 million, but the same had reduced to HK$ 2,049 million by March 2009, indicating that the revenues for the company were consistently reducing (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:43). This is a pointer
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Cystic Fibrosis: Molecular Mechanisms and Diagnosis
Cystic Fibrosis: Molecular Mechanisms and Diagnosis Cystic fibrosis is a membrane transport disorder which is commonly affected in the autosomal recessive disease of white populations. It is also identified at birth by a certain condition called meconium ileus which means intestinal obstruction. In the advance stages, clinically it has been diagnosed by sticky viscous secretion of the pancreas and lungs (Gelehrter, 1998). Many years of direct research has failed to recognise the specific gene which is involved in cystic fibrosis (CF), although there are some various indirect research done which has indicated that there appeared an abnormality in the transport of ions during the process of cell membrane development. A very common diagnosis has been used to recognise this disease which is high increase of chloride content in sweat. Children suffering from this disorder develop pancreatic insufficiency which is usually treated with enzyme supplementation, antibiotics and physical treatments which are used to reduce the chest infection. Earlier the survival average is about 25 years. (Gelehrter, 1990). But in a recent study, it has been said that the life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients has increased over the last 40 years. It has been necessary to identify the respiratory viruses in Cf to make the clinical decision to proceed with the necessary treatment. (cited in Wat, 2008). It is said that one can calculate approximately the frequency of heterozygous carriers would be about 1 in 25 individuals. There are various research works done on cultured cells and animal models to further study on the basic defects of the disease and find a successive treatment. (Hodson, M.E., 1995). HISTORY: From centuries the study and research of Cystic fibrosis has been done. Earlier people started diagnosing this condition in the newborns due to the salty taste in their skin. The survival rate was so low as six months. But as years followed, during the 1930s, a scientist named Guido fanconi had described the symstoms as gastrointestinal symdrone but latter named it as cystic fibrosis. The research had advanced when the cystic fibrosis gene was discovered following the study of mendels law researched by Gregor Mendel. The genetic knowledge on this particular disease was made more improving which indirectly improved the survival ascepts of CF patients. By 1980s, a deeper understanding of human genetics were developed. In 1989, two researchers had isolated the damaged gene in causing CF which was the main cause in affecting the chloride channel function. These were the channels which were helping in the movement of water and salt in the cell walls. Further study on this is making it pos sible to understand and find a treatment for this genetic disease. In recent years, various study via Gene theraphy has been helping various researches to fix the damaged gene. If this particular gene is fixed, the possible prevention, treatment and cure of CF would become a (Giddings,2009) Basic molecular genetics of Cf: In the year 1985, several groups were experimenting on gene therapy by linkage analysis, a linkage was observed on the chromosome 7, which in turn proceeded with testing some of the markers on chromosome 7 where they found CF gene near to these markers (met and J3.11). Techniques like physical mapping showed that the distance between these markers was approximately 1.6 million bp, which is as large for approximately 50 genes. Various interesting research were made in which it was found that a vast majority of chromosomes carrying the Cystic fibrosis mutation were also carrying a particular alleles for XV-2c and KM-19 which was further named as allele for XV-2c and + allele for KM-19. This type of hapotype (-/+) showed approximately in 25% of normal chromosomes, whereas rest showed other different patterns. A term was defined for this type of disease gene associated with a allele with the nearby markers, which was named as Linkage Disequilibrim. This term was made used to understand that these CF mutated genes were being descended from a common ancester. (Gelehrter, 1998) In a recent research, a genetic analysis was conducted by carefully cloning of a 500,000 bp candidate which resulted in three possible genes from the specific region which was studied. In testing under northern blotting technique it was found that this specific gene was coding for a 1480- amino acid protein including 26 exons with a length of 250,000 bp of DNA and the mRNA transcript was found to be 6129 bp long. In further studying a cloned and sequenced cDNA was prepared using the sweat glands of a Cf patient, it was found that there was a difference in exon 10 from a normal sequenced gene. There was a deletion in the 3 -bp found which might have caused the deletion of a single amino acid (phenylalanine) at the specificresidue 508. (Gelehrter, 1990). This type of mutation is known as Delta F508 or F508. Patients with homologous delta F508 mutation will tend to suffer with severe symptons of this disease, causing a very heavy loss of chloride ion transport.This causes an improper balance in the sodium and chloride ion ratio, eventually secreting a thin, mucus secretion in the lung area which traps bacteria, this causes severe lung infection, resulting a high mortality rate in CF patients. CFTR gene: This gene was initially cloned in 1989 in which it was mapped to human chromosome 7q21, with more interest in this particular region, researches were able to indentify 2 more closely linked markers other than (labelled MET and D758) which were D75122 and D75340, those were 10 kb part. Using lambda genomic DNA libraries, 280 kb of DNA were sequenced which were used to make long range restriction maps. These were also probed with cDNA clones to isolate a total of 500 kb. This can be seen in the figure By using various approaches like screening zoo blots, northern blots and cDNA libraries the genomic DNA clone was isolated. Four different regions were isolated, out of that, only one proved to be CF gene which was 6.5 kb sequence in length. Eventually, it was concluded that the CF gene controls the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) which encodes chloride channels which were responsible for the water transport on the plasma membrane of the epithelial cells which were connected to the lung airways. This mutation was causing the problem. Structure of the CFTR gene: After sequencing the CFTR gene, further study was done on it. The sequenced coding region of this gene showed a polypeptide molecular mass of 168138 daltons. The best site seen in this predicted protein was that it showed two repeated motifs, which showed some similarities to the nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) which is present in the membrane bounded protein. These membrane consisted in them six hydrophobic regions which composed 234 amino acids. Hydrophilic domains: These 2 hydrophilic domains contains approximately 150 amino acids in which some phenylalanine residue has been deleted at the region of the first NBD which shares similar homologies with the proteins which binds with the nucleotide. These two motifs are connected by a highly charged cytoplasmic domains referred as R- domain or regulatory domains. This domains encodes 13 exons that help in the phosphorylationby protein kinase K and rest helps in binding sites by protein kinase C. These domains and nucleotide binding folds in the binding sites suggest that hydrolysis is involved in the transportation of CFTR gene. CFTR Promoter: It was found out that CFTR gene had a addition promoter region with a size of 3.5 kb, later on, it led that these promoters showed the characteristics of housekeeping gene along with tissue specific functions. There were five reasons that were focused to show that the CFTR gene had these charactertics which were as follows: There were no TATA box element within the first 500 basepairs of the transcription sites. The GC content in the promoter region was high. There were addition multiple minor transcription sites identified along with the major transcription sites. Couple of SP1 sites were also identified. There was a very low expression of the CFTR gene found in the epithelium layer. Another conclusion was made that the CFTR gene might control transcription regulation. (prin mg, tho) Phenotypic function of the diseased gene: To understand the phenotype of the disease, it has been confirmed that an individual suffering must have two copies of a mutated Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene to be expressed. It has also been understood that the development of this disease in different individuals varies due to differential influence by environmental and genetic factors. This various different forms of other genes can affect the phenotypes of the mutated gene of this disease. MUTATED GENE: As it been understood that the most common mutated gene found in most cystic fibrosis defective gene is the delta F508. A detailed study about this gene was done in which it was found that CFTR protein helps in encoding single amino acid at position 508 on the chromosome 7. As this mutation affects the CFTR to perform its work in the cell and prevents it from locating itself in the cell membrane. Usually it is seen that, a newly synthesized CFTR protein adds itself to the missing chemical group by folding itself into appropriate shape which are escorted by their specific molecular chaperons to the surface of the cell. Because of the presence of this mutated CFTR gene, the imperfect CFTR binds onto the cell membrane which has a defect while opening and closing during regulating the chloride ion flow within the cell membrane. There are different mutated genes, in which some do not this synthesis or any modification or integratation into the membrane of the cell. Sometimes, these mutated genes fail to even respond to the signals within the cell that are responsible for the opening and closing of chloride flow. In some cases, the CFTR protein enters the cell membrane and also responds to the cell membrane but there would show a problem when the channel opens and there is improper flow of chloride ion out of the cell. Different mutations vary with different patients, patients with absent or very low CFTR protein in its cell membrane would cause severe disease causing depleting pancreatic functions. There are patients which have delta F508 mutation on both CFTR gene copies, this causes very poor pancreatic function which would secret high amount of mucus causing varying degrees of infection in the lungs. Another CFTR mutation namely R117H also develops a partial functioning CFTR protein, this mutation pairs w ith the severe mutated gene delta F508 causing the CF disease severe but varying in lung disease. It has been seen that some men who have been detected with this particular mutated gene R117H shows only one symptom of CF that is being Infertile which is due to lack of vas deferens. Inheritence of the CF gene: Diagnosing cystic fibrosis In most cases, cystic fibrosis is diagnosed by screening tests, which are carried out very early in life. However, some babies, children and even young adults have some unexplained illness in future so they are diagnosed later. There are four main ways of diagnosing cystic fibrosis: newborn testing antenatal testing carrier testing sweat testing Newborn Screening: In newborn screening there are two tests the first one is blood test in which small amount of blood is taken from the babys heel and transferred onto the card and it is examined in the laboratory for CF and it is also test inherited conditions, such as sickle cell anaemia and phenylketonuria.. Another test is genetic test in which saliva sample taken from the cheek and check whether a newborn has faulty CFTR genes. Antenatal testing: This test is done during the womens pregnancy to know that fatus has CF or not. There are following Amniocentesis: in it inserts a needle through abdominal wall into the uterus and take amniotic fluid surrounds the baby and tested in the laboratory Chorionic villus sampling: In it needle passed through the stomach into the womb sometimes a fine tube passed through the vagina into the neck of the uterus as an alternative. And take chorionic tissue which is a tiny piece of the developing placenta and these chromosomes which are in the cells of the tissue are examined in the laboratory for CFTR genes are normal or not. Both tests have risk of complication and also chance for miscarriage so it is offered only those mothers who have high risk of having child with the CF. Carrier testing: People who have two CFTR genes one is normal and another is faulty are CF carriers. So carriers pass faulty CFTR genes on to their children. This is simple test which is uses mouthwash to make sure that person is a carrier of cystic fibrosis. Swishing the mouthwash to collect the cells. And these containing cells are checked for the faulty gene. Sweat test: If blood and genetic tests have positive sign for CF so for confirmation sweat test diagnosis using This test measure the amount of salt in sweat. For that in one treatment room small area of skin on an arm or leg tested. Rub this skin with sweat producing chemical and then produce gentle electrical current with help of electrode it gives warm feeling .collect sweat on a pad or paper for analze. High levels of salt confirm diagnosis of CF. (180,205) Immunoreactive Trypsinogn: This analysis is used after sweat test if little sweat measured in newborns. Blood samples are taken after 2-3 days of birth and examined for immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) which is the increased levels of pancreatic enzyme. If IRT level is high then also it is not strong indicator of CF. Because infants with intestinal malformations and condition as bowel obstruction also have high level of enzyme which is for function of impair pancreatic. Lung X-rays and function tests: In the tests measure the amount of air the lungs can hold and how fast a person can breathe out to show how lungs add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood with the help of chest X-ray which show lung scarring from recurrent inflammation.This test do not confirm a diagnosis of CF but help in evaluating the severity of an individuals lung damage. Sinus X-ray: This test give signs of sinusitis, which indicates an infection and inflammation of nasal cavities. The X-ray shows the underlying cause becomes important for sinusitis. By cause of sinusitis is showing allergies and poorly functioning immune system. DNA mutation analysis: For highly specific result we used this technique for CF to look for the presence of many mutations in the CFTR gene. In it DNA isolated and purified from the blood sample or from a smear inside the cheek and for detect disease genes and indentify mutation within a specific DNA sequenced used micro array technology Sputum cultures: For this test, take a sample of your sputum (spit) to see what bacteria are growing in it. If there are bacteria called mucoid Pseudomonas, then it is advanced CF that needs aggressive treatment. (Giddings, 2009) TREATMENT In early years, there were no proper complete cure for cystic fibrosis . This has changed in recent years due to various researches done to treat CF which have been improved drastically. The aim for the treatment of cystic fibrosis are to Prevent infection in lungs,Remove the thick and sticky mucus from lungs, Prevent blockages in intestines and to Provide adequate nutrition.(http://www.nhlbi.nihHYPERLINK Treatment for lung problems: It is essential to begin the treatment by reducing the infection and removing the thick and sticky mucus from the lungs. This can be done by performing the following lung treatment methods. CHEST PHYSICAL THERAPHY (CPT): This theraphy is also called percussion. CPT include pounding the chest and back over and over with the hands and a device that reduce the mucus layer from the lungs. Breathing techniques are also helpful to remove mucus from lungs. This techniques involve forcing out of some short or deeper breaths and following with a relaxed breath. The major purpose of this therapy for CF is to increase clearance of mucus and control infection in the lung and also to provide adequate nutrition and prevent intestinal blockage. MEDICINES: This is the primary treatment for the cystic fibrosis. Using medicines it helps in treating lung infection, decreases the swelling ,reduces the mucus and also opens the airways. The following types are the antibiotics used for cystic fibrosis treatment: Oral antibiotics are use to treat the lung infection. Inhaled antibiotics are used to control the infection caused by the pseudomonas bacteria. Intravenous medicines are used for control the severe infection. Anti-inflammatory medicines used to reduce swelling in airways. Drugs or steroids such as azithromycin, ibuprofen, prednisone and pentoxifylline are used to reduce inflammation. For the treatment of bacterial infection various lung antibiotics such as nebcin, tobrex, ciprofloxin, myambutol, biaxin, azactam are used Exercise: Aerobic exercise can help to reduce and clear the mucus from the airways. Regular exercise also enables to cut back on the CPT. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is used to provide fertility for men with cystic fibrosis LUNG TRANSPLANTATION: Lung transplantion is a effective therapeutic option for the cystic-fibrosis patient. The successfully lung transplanted patients are able to control diabetic problems easily as the patients exercise capacity improves and the respiratory infection reduces.(Madden, 1992). In lung transplant ,the infected lung is replaced with a healthy lung by surgery. If CF is very advanced then lung transplantion is a good option. It is a major operation and sometimes also leads to some serious complications Oxygen Therapy: If oxygen level is very low in the blood then oxygen therapy is very effective( NUTRITIONAL TREATMENT: C.F causes many digestive problems such as slow growth, pain, intestinal gas and severe. Nutritional treatment can improve the growth, development and strength of patient. It involves a balanced diet with low fat and high protein which make strong the patient to resist aganist some infection ( It contain pancreatic enzymes to digest protein and fat and absorbance of various vitamins. Nutriational therapy also contain supplements of different vitamins. The other treatment for digestive problems is medications for the treatment of intestinal blockages ( GENE THERAPY: Gene therapy involve transfer of DNA for therapeutic purpose. For the treatment of cystic fibrosis two approaches have been used. In the first approach, adenovirus was used as a vector, it has the epithelial cell lining. In this approach, adenovirus type-2 late promoter drives the CFTR gene. In the second approach, positively charged liposomes was used which can bind negatively charged DNA on its surface. These initial experiments have been used to change the electrical conductance of the nasal membrane. By these approaches a little correction of conductance abnormalities is possible. In the recent studies aerosol inhalers is used to saturate the upper part of the respiratory system. The reversal of the path physiology is possible if the correct form of CFTR gene is expressed. At present, retroviral-mediated gene transfer system is used for gene transfer for gene therapy of CF. Adenovirus is a suitable vector for gene transfer to the airway because it uses humans as a permissive host and it has a natural tropism for the lung .Liposome-mediated DNA transfer system is also used for gene transfer in gene therapy. Liposome is positively charged interact with DNA which is negatively charged and form lipid-coated DNA complex Different positively charged liposomes used to transfer the CFTR including DOTAP, DMRIE and DOTMA-DOPE. Several new treatments are developed to treat the CF. In one case, the sodium-channel inhibitor amiloride is insert to the airways of the patients which inhibit sodium absorption. The other possible approach is to allow to bypass the CFTR chloride channel and regulate other chloride channel present in the membrane of airways. The most effective way to treat the CF is to insert a new and normal copy of CFTR gene into the airway of respiratory tract of CF patients. RECENT ADVANCES: In recent years, various research works have improved the way to diagnose and treat cystic fibrosis. In the year 2006, it was published in the Science daily that certain scientists from Stanford University, USA were able to find out the basic defect causing CF. In which they had concluded that the airway blockage caused in CF was not caused due excessive fluid being reabsorbed within the glands but due to lack of fluid secretion from cystic fibrosis glands. ( In another research work done in the year 2008, certain scientist from USA were able to discover that a particular protein called CFTR were either missing or not present in the lungs of the CF patients which helps in fighting various bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa when inhaled. Further studies are conducted to find the treatment through these proteins. ( In 2010, A team led by Professor Justin Hanes from John Hopkins university had researched on a mucus penetrating biodegradable nanoparticles which would help in delivery wide range of therapeutic molecules from small to various size of macromolecules to reduce the infection of lungs of the CF patients. In another research study done this year 2010, a team of researches were able to find out that a certain calcium- activated chloride channel were able to enable CF mucous cells to secrete normally which is required in the CFTR channel. So, it was concluded that drugs should be produces to enchance the ability of the calcium response which helps in activating the calcium activated chloride channels which are secreted in the CF cells. (
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman :: The Yellow Wallpaper Essays
The Yellow Wall Paper: Profound I believe that American Literature is very profound to understand it. It has a lot of meaning that can help us see our American society in a different way or help us understand it better. Everything in American literature is express through words, not images. However, Literature most of the time open our mind to visualized what is being said. In "the Yellow Wall Paper" story, I believe the author is expressing herself through words as if she is describing an abstract painting. I believe this story is not literal. I believe this story is composed as an abstract painting that is full of meaning. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a strong influential on the lives of many writers during the time this story was written. "Emerson's emphasis on individuality, nonconformity, and resistance to traditional authority defines a national identity for Americans still seeking independence from English influence;"(NIck Evans). Now, I believe that Gilman was very much influence by what Emer son said in his lectures during this time. The purpose of this paper is to show how Gilman had a respond to what emerson said through my interpretation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman story. Now, the overall body of this paper is first,I will give many paragraphs with a particular point on each one of them together with my interpretation of each one. My Point is that each paragraph will be adding up to the final Paragraph which will give my final interpretation of the story. In the conclusion, I will restate my interpretation together with some historical facts and emersons ideas that will correspond to my interpretation of Gilman. My goal of this paper is to show how Gilman is using the story like an abstract painting to open the eyes of women to be nonconformists in society and at home. First of all, John and his wife arrived to live in a big house for a short time together with John sister. In this house there is a room with a yellow wall paper. Before they arrive this room was use as a nursery, playroom and gymnasium. I believe this three different functions gives us a summary of the experiences of John's wife in this room. She arrive here to have a "total rest cure" for her depression. What is the significance of the room being a nursery? The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman :: The Yellow Wallpaper Essays The Yellow Wall Paper: Profound I believe that American Literature is very profound to understand it. It has a lot of meaning that can help us see our American society in a different way or help us understand it better. Everything in American literature is express through words, not images. However, Literature most of the time open our mind to visualized what is being said. In "the Yellow Wall Paper" story, I believe the author is expressing herself through words as if she is describing an abstract painting. I believe this story is not literal. I believe this story is composed as an abstract painting that is full of meaning. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a strong influential on the lives of many writers during the time this story was written. "Emerson's emphasis on individuality, nonconformity, and resistance to traditional authority defines a national identity for Americans still seeking independence from English influence;"(NIck Evans). Now, I believe that Gilman was very much influence by what Emer son said in his lectures during this time. The purpose of this paper is to show how Gilman had a respond to what emerson said through my interpretation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman story. Now, the overall body of this paper is first,I will give many paragraphs with a particular point on each one of them together with my interpretation of each one. My Point is that each paragraph will be adding up to the final Paragraph which will give my final interpretation of the story. In the conclusion, I will restate my interpretation together with some historical facts and emersons ideas that will correspond to my interpretation of Gilman. My goal of this paper is to show how Gilman is using the story like an abstract painting to open the eyes of women to be nonconformists in society and at home. First of all, John and his wife arrived to live in a big house for a short time together with John sister. In this house there is a room with a yellow wall paper. Before they arrive this room was use as a nursery, playroom and gymnasium. I believe this three different functions gives us a summary of the experiences of John's wife in this room. She arrive here to have a "total rest cure" for her depression. What is the significance of the room being a nursery?
Saturday, January 11, 2020
What advantage does Zara gain against the competition by having a very responsive supply chain?
Q. What advantage does Zara gain against the competition by having a very responsive supply chain? A. In an industry where the customer demand is unpredictable, Zara having a responsive supply chain has enabled it to enjoy greater customer turnover due to its 5 to 6 weeks cycle time leading to more profits as mostly the products are then sold at full price. Moreover being responsive has also enabled Zara to reduce its inventories and also the forecast error. Q. Why has Inditex chosen to have both in-house manufacturing and outsourced manufacturing? Why has Inditex maintained manufacturing capacity in Europe even though manufacturing in Asia is much cheaper? A. To be responsive in the rapid changing world, Inditex opted for both outsourced manufacturing, for the production of products with predictable demand, and in-house manufacturing, for the production of products with highly uncertain demand. Inditex has maintained large fraction of manufacturing capacity in Portugal and Spain (Europe) despite the higher cost there because this allows Zara to respond quickly to changing fashion trends in Europe. Q. Why does Zara source products with uncertain demand from local manufacturers and products with predictable demand from Asian manufacturers? A. Zara’s main competitive advantage is responsiveness and to retain it Zara source products with uncertain demand from local manufacturers because local manufacturers offer fast and flexible sourcing and such products are to be delivered quick instead of at low-cost (with greater lead time as it is manufactured in Asia). Whereas products with predictable demand are sourced from Asian manufacturers because outsourcing is cheaper that is products are manufactured at a low-cost. Q. Why is Zara building a new distribution centre as its sales grow? Is it better to have the new distribution centre near the existing one or at a completely different location? A. New distribution centre (DC) is being built by Zara in response to the increase in sales because the stock turnover is increasing and in order to cater the growth of sales and avoid any declination in it due to mismanagement of stock availability and customers’ demand. Q. What advantage does Zara gain from replenishing its stores twice a week compared to a less frequent schedule? How does the frequency of replenishment affect the design of its distribution system? A. Frequent replenishment allows Zara to match supply and demand more effectively than the competitors. The frequency of replenishment affect the design of its distribution system in a way that the more frequent the replenishment will take place, the more responsive and up to date the distribution system will be while on the other hand delayed replenishment will also make the distribution system delayed and slow with respect to customer’s demand. Q. What information infrastructure does Zara need in order to operate its production, distribution, and retail network effectively? A. In order to operate the production, distribution and retail network effectively, Zara should have an information infrastructure which is highly responsive and provides timely and accurate information that helps in better decision making as well as planning and forecasting. TOYOTA: A GLOBAL AUTO MANUFACTURER Q. Where s hould the plants be located and what degree of flexibility should be built into each? What capacity should each plant have? A. The location of the plants should be such that it complements the assembly plants and maximum profitability of Toyota. Plants operating locally can be cost prohibitive, while plants that operate globally can only reduce the interest in local markets. Logically, Toyota should apply the â€Å"global complementation†strategy to turn plants, and locate plants in areas that minimize costs (currency exchange, transportation, inventory holding, etc). This will allow them to achieve local/regional agility and remain flexible enough to supply non-local factories/assembly plants however necessary. The capacity of the plant should not exceed the projected demand for local / regional manufacturing sites / assembly plants that each plant will be part of supply. The ability to adequately supply factories is essential, and each plant must be designed with the ability to supply factories in the region. Q. Should plants be able to produce for all markets or only specific contingency markets? A. It depends upon the location and production capacity of each plant. Furthermore, since Toyota follows the strategy of global complementation, plants must be able to supply at least one more market/region than it’s normally responsible for supplying. Depending on the requirements of global parts, it may be appropriate for plants to be able to supply to all markets. But in the case that markets are so differentiated that the ability for a plant to provide global supply is cost prohibitive, then a specific contingency market should be designated for each regional plant. A plant in a certain region should only serve markets in that specific region; otherwise costs will inevitably go up. Q. How should markets be allocated to plants and how frequently should this allocation be revised? A. The allocation of markets to plants should be as efficient as possible. The standard allocation should be optimized during the planning phase. However, as markets mature, currency rates fluctuate, and demand changes, it is possible that an adjusted allocation will provide more efficiency and higher returns for Toyota. For this reason allocation should be adjusted when necessary, reviewed either annually or bi-annually, and optimized to increase efficiency and take advantage of the part plants flexibility. Q. What kind of flexibility should be built into the distribution system? A. The distribution system should closely monitor the flexibility of the global complementation strategy. The regional distribution should be optimized between the factories and supply of parts. However, when adjustments are made to the allocation, it will be necessary for cost-effective distribution to occur between plants and factories to non-local markets. Q. How should this flexible investment be valued? A. The flexible investment should be highly valued as this will lead Toyota to capture the demand and the income of non-local markets where the local cost, demand, etc declines. The flexible production and distribution will prevent idle facilities and reduced profits during economic downturns. And moreover, through the integration of flexible production and distribution, supply chain of Toyota will have greater access to markets and has the potential to capture greater value. Q. What actions may be taken during product design to facilitate this flexibility? A. There should be uniformity between global products which will provide the most cost effective means to facilitate flexibility between local plants and factories. During the product design, engineers must prepare the elements that maximize both the uniformity and meet local needs. This flexibility will help the plants and factories looking for the pieces to produce for non local markets and reducing dependencies and vulnerabilities of operating in specific local markets.
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